13 is the Luckiest Number
The number 13 is supercool. It's the smallest "emirp" – a prime number that forms a different prime in reverse. And who doesn't love a "baker's dozen" of 13 delicious baked goods? It's also the number of eligibility questions that Terrafirma asks. The 13 eligibility requirements must be fulfilled before your organization can join Terrafirma. If you are already a Terrafirma member and you are updating your application, you may be used to checking off "yes" to all of these without reading through. This year, remember to revisit those eligibility requirements and make sure that you still satisfy all of them. Please also remember:
Have questions? Please let us know. You can email us directly or call 802-262-6051 for Leslie, or 202-800-2248 for myself.
Thanks, Hannah
Hannah Flake Conservation Defense Coordinator ALLIANCE RISK MANAGEMENT SERVICES LLC |
(202) 800-2248 |