
A short newsletter of bite-size ideas to chew on for Terrafirma owner-member land trusts, released March, May, July, and September.


Posts from January 2019

13 is the Luckiest Number

The number 13 is supercool. It's the smallest "emirp" – a prime number that forms a different prime in reverse. And who doesn't love a "baker's dozen" of 13 delicious baked goods? It's also the number of eligibility questions that Terrafirma asks.

The 13 eligibility requirements must be fulfilled before your organization can join Terrafirma. If you are already a Terrafirma member and you are updating your application, you may be used to checking off "yes" to all of these without reading through.

This year, remember to revisit those eligibility requirements and make sure that you still satisfy all of them.

Please also remember:

  • If you are awaiting your February accreditation decision, whether first time or renewing, don't hit that submit button just yet! Please fill out your application and then hit "submit" once your decision is received. There is an $11/parcel accreditation discount that we don't want you to miss.
  • Please send your check to: Terrafirma RRG, PO Box 1330, Williston, VT 05495




Have questions? Please let us know. You can email us directly or call 802-262-6051 for Leslie, or 202-800-2248 for myself.





Hannah Flake

Conservation Defense Coordinator



(202) 800-2248 | 


Counting down to 2019

In just four short days it will be the new year, and with it comes a new policy period for Terrafirma insurance. Through February 1, 2019, you can log on and update your application for the 2019 policy period that begins on March 1, 2019. Land trusts in the accreditation pipeline who are waiting for their decision in February will receive an extension.

Before you update, we recommend that you take a few minutes to review the counting rules for your properties, including:

  • Separate easements held by the same land trust can be counted as just one property for Terrafirma as long as they have the same owner, same restrictions and permitted uses, and are contiguous.
  • Different parcels under the same easement can count as one property, even if it’s not contiguous, as long as they have the same landowner and the same land trust.
  • If you want to insure property within a certain category of property right (conservation easement, trail easement, fee land, etc.), you must list every parcel within that category.

See last month’s Terrabite here (set link https://terrafirma.org/blog) for more counting tips.

Have questions? Please let us know. You can email us directly or call 202-800-2219 for Lorri, 802-262-6051 for Leslie, or 202-800-2248 for myself.





Hannah Flake

Conservation Defense Coordinator


(202) 800-2248 |

January 03, 2019 | Tags:

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Collectively upholding conservation permanence

