
A short newsletter of bite-size ideas to chew on for Terrafirma owner-member land trusts, released March, May, July, and September.


Posts tagged reenrollment

Re-enroll for 2014 Coverage

Your current Terrafirma coverage ends March 1, 2014. Please re-enroll on the Terrafirma website by updating your current policy information stored on the website.

The re-enrollment period begins December 1, 2013 and ends February 3, 2014.

It is easy as 1-2-3! 

  1. Add any new parcels and remove any assigned parcels
  2. Re-confirm your eligibility
  3. Click the “submit” button and mail your check

Once you re-enroll, the 2014 coverage period continues uninterrupted from the original policy date. Remember that everything is online; Terrafirma does not send paper invoices, notices or applications.

We know times are still tough and money is always tight. 

If your board is thinking about not re-enrolling, here are a few things to consider:  

You will lose the registration payment you have already paid. If you decide to re-enroll later, you’ll have to pay a higher registration fee (currently between $375 and $4,000). View the registration fee schedule »

Your coverage will end on March 1, 2014 and – even if you re-enroll a year later – you will have a coverage gap as a new policy will only be effective as of the reenrollment date. That essentially means it will only cover claims based on problems that first come to light after that date.

You’ll have to pay a 50% co-payment for any claims during the first year after your coverage re-starts.

Your reserves will be at higher risk without the Terrafirma safety net. If you do not have at least adequate reserves now, then your organization may be financially insecure. Legal challenges have already bankrupted land trusts; you don’t have to be the next sad story. Read more »

Can you afford NOT to re-enroll?

We’re here to help! If you have any questions about updating your policy, baselines or anything else, please let us know. You can reply to this email, email us directly or call 202-800-2219 for Lorri or 802-262-6051 for Leslie.


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